August 3, 2011

Fuchsias at SF Botanical Garden

The San Francisco Botanical Gardens has a beautiful collection of fuchsias. There are about 110 species of fuchsias, most of which inhabit South America, with some species in Central America and the New Zealand area.  You might have read that Father Charles Plumier discovered them, but of course the first person to discover them did so thousands of years earlier.  They resemble ballerinas, or to my eye, Six-wired Birds of Paradise.

Fuchsia andrei

Fuchsia boliviana 'Alba' - White Bolivian Fuchsia

 Fuchsia boliviana 'Alba' - White Bolivian Fuchsia

 Fuchsia boliviana 'Alba' - White Bolivian Fuchsia

 Fuchsia denticulata

 Fuchsia fulgens

 Fuchsia fulgens

Fuchsia fulgens 'Variegata'

Fuchsia harlingii

Fuchsia hatschbachii x 'corallina'
Fuchsia microphylla ssp microphylla

Fuchsia regia var. Alpestris
Fuchsia sanctae-rosae

Fuchsia 'Berg Nimf'

Fuchsia 'Blush Fardent'

 Fuchsia 'Fanfare' - Fanfare Fuchsia

Fuchsia 'First Success'

Fuchsia 'Ms. W. P. Wood' - Ms. W.P. Wood Fuchsia

Fuchsia 'Rhys' Rhody

 Fuchsia 'Ruddy Rodney' - Ruddy Rodney Fuchsia

 Fuchsia 'Wood Violet'

Red fuchsia

Red fuchsia

アカバナ科のフクシア 属(ホクシャ、フューシャ)